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The Covid Virus Infection a Critical Review of the Whole Affair: Personal Opinion

Bruno Riccardi1*, Sergio Resta2

1Professional Freelancer Biologist, Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa), Italy

2General surgery specialist, Chiusi, Via Montegrappa, Italy

Corresponding Author:
Bruno Riccardi
Professional Freelancer Biologist, 56022 Castelfranco di Sotto (Pisa), Via dei lazzeri, 33, Italy


The recent SARS-COV2 virus infection has created a dramatic global economic and social health situation. The delayed and contradictory response of international institutions in dealing with related pandemic problems has given rise to many questions and doubts on the part of some scientists and independent critical and information organisations, about the real objectivity of the official propaganda reported by the mass media on its origin, pathogenicity medical care and need for vaccination treatments. In this work, we report the results of our very personal analysis on all health and socio-economic aspects related to the pandemic, with the aim of soliciting a broad and disinterested exchange of ideas to try to understand what is the correct interpretation of such a dramatic and intricate issue.


Virus infection; SARS-CoV2; Injectable medical devices; Criticism of sanitary organization


The virus infection from SARS-Cov2 that has affected the world population has highlighted all the fragility and inadequacy of the world’s social and health system not only in solving the problems produced by the syndrome COVID-19, but even in the ability to deal with them. Thus we see the total collapse and mass decimation of the world population produced by a viral disease that if properly treated could be resolved with a few specific medical devices. The international health system, with a few exceptions, has so many dysfunctions and organisational deficiencies that it is powerless to deal with a rampant virus infection of such vast proportions, such as that from SARS-COV2, but also to solve problems of more limited endemic diseases.

This has occurred both in the countries of the so-called Third World , Latin America, Africa, India, and in the industrialized countries, and is the result of health and economic policies only apparently dedicated to general welfare. As we will see, in fact, the only realities that have taken a substantial economic advantage from this virus infection, have been the pharmaceutical multinationals and the powerful international economic and speculative systems.

Even less effective has been the economic policy of the various states that should have protected private productive activities and the general impoverishment of the population from the disastrous economic consequences of the pandemic. But this has not happened in this way, and it has been the poorest fringes of the various countries that have experienced an exponential increase in absolute poverty.

At the basis of all this is the global socioeconomic system which is based on the principle of maximum profit for a few at the expense of the vast majority of the population. In this regard, we reproduce the final conclusions of The Independent Panel in the volume COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic , which sounds like a judgment without appeal [1].

“The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated insufficient high-level political leadership; engagement across health, social and economic sectors; and agreement between governments. This has resulted in the failure to set coherent global strategic directions in pandemic response and link them to international agencies and regional institutions. Nor have the private sector and civil society organizations been able to contribute to strategic direction setting in an effective way”

This depicted reality, is certainly not the exasperated dramatization of the situation which is denounced by extremist and populist fringes, as are often called the manifestations of the most innocuous dissent, but it is based on facts, as we will demonstrate later, that even Pope Francesco confirmed. Unless you also want to consider the Pope an extremist.

But we come to the facts documented by addressing first those of a biological-health nature , and then those of a socio-economic nature.

■ The Genetic Basis of Life : These Unknown

Anyone who has a minimum knowledge of the basics of biology, and has read any text of molecular biology, will surely have learned what are the fundamental biological mechanisms that regulate the functioning of living organisms. In particular, he will know the rules of the “Molecular Biology of the gene”, described by the most illustrious discoverers of the double helix, Watson and Crick, who govern the laws of inheritance and reproduction of living beings. In these books the expressions we most frequently encounter are: “we do not know the exact mechanism and/or meaning of this substance”, which resonate like a mantra , in the description of numerous biological phenomena.

The disconcerting reality is precisely this, we know many biological processes, up to the most elementary molecular mechanisms, but for most of them we miss the intimate essence even if investigated with the most in-depth and sophisticated analysis.

The same is true for RNAs the carrying the code for protein synthesis are called “messenger RNAs (mRNAs)”. Surprisingly, recent evidence revealed that very little of our human genome sequences (less than 2%) could actually end up producing proteins. However, most of the rest genome sequences are actively transcribed to generate the so-called “non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs)”. These ncRNAs do not undergo translation to synthesize proteins, but may hold the key to broaden our understanding of gene regulation and human diseases.

An example for all, which is the subject we address in this manuscript, is precisely the functioning of DNA. Gene expression is the process by which the instructions in our DNA are converted into a functional product that will help determine the specific characteristics of our body. However, there is no direct relationship between genes and a functional product as stated by the “central dogma of Biology”. We know that in the long run from the gene to its phenotypic effect there are numerous intermediate stages that can profoundly change the final result. This path is the subject of study of Epigenetics. Epigenetics studies which and how many factors are involved in the final formation of the functional product [2]. These factors are the following: Figure1

Figure 1: Epigenetic mechanisms.

■ DNA methylation

DNA methylation works by adding a chemical group to DNA. Typically, this group is added to specific places on the DNA, where it blocks the proteins that attach to DNA to “read” the gene.

■ Histone modification

DNA wraps around proteins called histones. DNA wrapped tightly around histones cannot be accessed by proteins that “read” the gene.

■ Non-coding RNA

Your DNA is used as instructions for making coding and non-coding RNA.

In the complex Epigenetic process that starts from the transcription of the messenger RNA, to the translation of the latter into the functional result, there are numerous events of which we do not know the outcome and the biological meaning.

An example is the incorrect final conformation of the neoformed proteins, the so-called Missfolding”, which is the cause of many degenerative diseases that go under the name of amyloid diseases. Yet despite the many missing and obscure sides of the molecular biology of the gene, many researchers experience very risky “DNA fragment transplants” in altered DNA of patients carriers of serious pathologies, process called Editing, in the attempt to solve them, without knowing what effect they will produce in the long term.

The insertion of a DNA fragment into another DNA molecule may not have any consequences, or may cause profound changes. Depending on the position of the insertion, it can activate a new ORF (Open Reading Frames that is the coding traits of the genes), or inactivate an existing one. For these reasons the safety of Directly Injected or vectorized DNA vaccines raises legitimate questions about their safety. In principle, vaccines using genetic material derived from an infectious agent should not pose a risk to the vaccinated host given the care taken in the development of such vaccines. This new methodology seems to be the most promising treatment today, to resolve or mitigate many devastating diseases. But these are still “experimental” therapies not yet supported by certain results.

■ Pandemics and Anti-covid Vaccinations

According to WHO (World Health Organization) between 2011 and 2018, 1483 epidemic events have been identified in 172 geographical location. As stated by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board -GPMB below [3].

“Epidemic-prone diseases such as influenza, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Ebola, Zika, plague, Yellow Fever and others, are harbingers of a new era of high-impact, potentially fastspreading outbreaks that are more frequently detected and increasingly difficult to manage. Figure 2 demonstrates the global emergence of selected pathogens over the past 50 years, including both those that naturally emerge/re-emerge and those that are deliberately released.”

Figure 2: Global examples of emerging and re-emerging diseases

So a disturbing threat of future pandemics is constantly present in the world. The recent SARS-COV2 virus infection is an example of this. We do not want to go into the debated and controversial origin of this pandemic, which according to many researchers, was deliberately provoked, and would not be the first time Figure 2 (Deliberately emerging) but we highlight the inadequacies of international health systems in dealing with it, as we mentioned above.

The emergency responses were in the majority of cases confused and late, there was awareness of the severity of the disease, when it had already reached worrying dimensions.

Unpreparedness, improvisation, disorganization was the constant conduct of international health institutions.

Severe treatment apart deserve the therapeutic measures adopted, marked by confusion and chaos more total and consequent ineffectiveness.

In contrast to the confusion of the States, the highly efficient organization of the pharmaceutical multinationals has made a response, in a few months they have produced several injectable medical devices with lots of clinical documentation and ready to use.

The response of the regulatory organizations for drugs, this time was very timely and for the first time in the history of pharmaceutical research, he approved in a very short time and very imprudent use. Normally the research and development of a drug takes years before its approval, even more time is required before the approval of a vaccine , than unlike the drug that is intended for a small number of patients, finds a use on an entire population. Several technologies are today being implemented to develop vaccines against SARSCOV- 2. The main types are listed in Figure 3 [4].

Figure 3: Major technologies being implemented to develop vaccines against SARS-COV-2.

Many Authors expressed doubt and concerns about the outcome of such vaccinations in the future, having regard to the speed with which they have been tested and the lack of control over their effectiveness and the side effects they may have in the long run. Both their effectiveness and their safety in use are the subject of numerous studies which call for caution for their use, as well as for the use of hyper-immune antibodies [5-8].

■ Adverse Effects

From the beginning of the medical device administration campaign we see the occurrence of numerous

adverse effects, both mild and high severity, until the death of inoculated patients. In addition, in recent months new viral variants have emerged that have also questioned the effectiveness of sera in use [9-13]. But regardless of the problem of effectiveness and side effects that the different vaccines present, remains the fundamental issue related to the new genetic technology used for them Genetic Engineering In this regard, we report the statements of Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO), on 30 December 2020.

To counter the confusion between infection and disease, here’s a thread on vaccines in the time of Covid:

“Vaccines are designed to prevent disease (symptom). They are authorized and used based on their ability to prevent people from getting sick. But like all vaccines they are not a 100% guarantee. Countries are advised by WHO to prioritize health workers and those most vulnerable to serious disease. What isn’t known yet is how well the Covid vaccines protect people against infection and passing the virus to others. I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on.”

Statements of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV,“As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19-pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough. As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. However, this type of prophylactic vaccines are completely inappropriate, and even highly dangerous, when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic. Vaccinologists, scientists and clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in individual patients, but don’t seem to bother about the disastrous consequences for global health. Unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult to understand how current human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning into a wild monster” [14].

Statements of Olivia Willis, ABC Health & Wellbeing, “All of what’s known about the two leading coronavirus vaccines is based only on statements from drug companies, not published scientific studies. The news of multiple experimental COVID-19 vaccines showing early signs of promise has triggered a wave of optimism in recent weeks and a lot of questions. Most experts agree the results look promising. But the data are yet to be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and there’s still a lot we don’t know about how well these vaccines work.”[15].

■ Genetic Effects of Exogenous RNA Administration

We would like to briefly introduce several information on different types of RNAs.

■ Coding-RNA (messenger RNA or mRNA)

Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the genetic code from DNA in a form that can be recognized to make proteins. The coding sequence of the mRNA determines the amino acid sequence in the protein produced.

■ Non-Coding RNA (ncRNA)

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): Ribosomal RNA is the catalytic component of the ribosomes. In the cytoplasm, rRNAs and protein components combine to form a nucleoprotein complex called the ribosome which binds mRNA and synthesizes proteins (also called translation).

Transfer RNA (tRNA): Transfer RNA is a small RNA chain of about 80 nucleotides. During translation, tRNA transfers specific amino acids that correspond to the mRNA sequence into the growing polypeptide chain at the ribosome.

Small nuclear RNAs (snRNA; 150 nt): Small nuclear RNAs are always associated with a group of specific proteins to form the complexes referred to as “small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNP)” in the nucleus. Their primary function is to process the precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA).

Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNA; 60 nt-300 nt): Small nucleolar RNAs are components of small nucleolar ribonucleoproteins (snoRNPs), which are complexes that are responsible for sequence-specific nucleotide modification.

Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNA; 24 nt-30 nt): Piwi-interacting RNAs bind the PIWI subfamily proteins that are involved in maintaining genome stability in germline cells. Piwi-interacting RNAs also play a role in gametogenesis.

MicroRNAs (miRNA; 21 nt-22 nt): MicroRNAs are small ncRNAs of ~22 nucleotides (nt) and the most widely studied class of ncRNAs. These RNA species mediate post-transcriptional gene silencing through RNA interference (RNAi), where an effector complex of miRNA and enzymes can target complementary mRNA by blocking the mRNA from being translated or accelerating its degradation. In human, miRNAs are estimated to regulate the translation of >60% of protein-coding genes.

■ RNA as Genetic Regulators

In animals, the metabolic pathways of siRNA and miRNA function mainly in the cytoplasm in post-transcriptional degradation and in the translational repression of the target mRNA.

However, some mammalian proteins are capable of translocation into the nucleus, and emerging evidence shows that subsets of miRNA are also present in the nucleus and are able to act as potentiating regulators and gene expression activators [16]. In addition, exogenous siRNAs can induce sequence-specific chromatin changes in mammalian cells. Since miRNAs target a large variety of biological pathways, they are considered to have a great potential for the development of novel medications and therapies. However, uncovering these interactions remains a complex task.

It is important to note that nucleic acid vaccines obtained through the use of recombinant DNA technology, but also vaccines containing attenuated virus (consisting of the genetic material of the whole virus and functioning but with mutations acquired by culture or engineering), may cause gene interference with other transcripts in the cell, and pathologically modify its metabolism. It is therefore likely that these fragments of genetic material will be able to interact with the non-coding RNA pool and the mRNAs present in the cytoplasm and to modify the expression of cellular proteins with unpredictable pathological consequences, such as induction of tumors, degenerative diseases, autoimmune/inflammatory etc. [17-21].

Therefore, the lack of data from specific studies on post-vaccination gene and protein expression is not acceptable, as the presence of this contaminating genetic material is a real risk factor, which had to be investigated before proceeding with mass vaccinations.

■ The Vaccine Resistance and the Adverse Effects

The resistance vaccine phenomenon is linked to the presence of populations of mutants called quasispecies, typical of single-chain RNA viruses, also demonstrated for SARS-Cov-2 [21-23].

Viral quasispecies are defined as ‘sets’ of closely related viral genomes, subjected to continuous genetic variation, competition between the generated variants, selection and spread of the most suitable forms in a given environment. These mutants are generated in infected cells and organisms, following replication of RNA viruses and some DNA viruses. Mutant spectra are the source of virus adaptability because they are an evolving source of genotypic and phenotypic viral variants. Such molecular variability is at the basis of the copying errors of RNA-dependent polymerases (also called replicate RNA), DNAdependent polymerases (or reverse transcriptase, RT) and some DNA-dependent polymerases.

Copying errors are at the origin of quasispecies, and have the following main properties:

• Viruses replicate as a set of varying genomes (called mutant spectra) that differ from each other in one or more mutations.

• The main consequence of such mutants is that there is no “a single sequence of the viral genome” called “sequence” or “genome” of an isolated virus, just as the nucleotide sequence of the viral genome is misdefined in databases and in some publications.

The reality is that circulating viral populations are mixtures of mutants, completely different from those that are taken into account with the only consensus sequences. Nevertheless, all vaccines are produced on the basis of the “consent sequences” present in the databases, this suggests how effective the vaccines currently in use are [24-26].

From that, it emerges the awareness that we are treated as guinea pigs. We are undergoing a mass pseudo-immunization at a global level, with some injectable devices of which very little is known, because they use a technology still in experimental phase, to fight a virus, or rather, a mixture of viruses, of which we know even less and furthermore in constant evolution to.

It should also be noted, in the controversial history of SARS-COV-2 viral management, that the detection of potentially infected subjects was carried out by nose-oropharyngeal tamponade, the diagnostic reliability of which is absolutely inadequate, has seen an exponential increase in the number of positive COVID-19 patients compared to reality. The subjects subjected to molecular buffering procedure (PCR) have been positive in a huge number compared to the clinical reality, following submission of tests to cycles of amplification in an aberrant number compared to the dictates of the WHO. The numbers relating to the epidemic have been deliberately distorted by central governments in order to generate extremely restrictive measures of personal freedoms, resulting in the declaration of a state of emergency Lock Down, suspension of work and school activities , implementation of telematic work, etc.

Moreover, the Israeli question deserves a separate speech. The country with the highest rate of vaccination in relation to the number of inhabitants, reports the greater number of deceases after the second dose for COVID-19 syndrome, the greater number of subjects infected by the “Delta” variant, and lastly, to amplify the almost total ineffectiveness of the inoculation , the need for quarantine after extraborder trips.

Cases 857.977, Deaths 6.457, Vaccine Doses Administered 11.038.265 (From COVID-19 Dashboard by Center for System Science and Engineering -CSSE- at Johnson Hopkins University-JHU) [26].

■ Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Global Economy and on Protest Movements

If we analyze the events that occurred with the SARS-COV2 virus infection, a question arises spontaneously:

This catastrophic world event, which arose spontaneously and naturally, or was scientifically orchestrated (as many authoritative scientists claim), in any case represented a present from heaven for the socio-systemruling politicians and for the so-called strong powers of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the global economy and on protest movements.

■ Economic Consequences

The pandemic represented a real economic catastrophe for the middle classes of the population, already in crisis by the growing productive recession , and in particular for the subordinate classes of the poor and dispossessed who have become increasingly poor and more numerous [27] Figure 4.

Figure 4: COVID-19-induced new poor in 2020, various growth vintages (inc. October forecast), By PovcalNet Team on 8 Jan 2021.

In the face of this general impoverishment, the powerful of the world economy have increased their patrimony exponentially. In particular the Big Pharma, Pfizer, JHonson & JHonson, Astra-Zeneca, Moderna, etc., among the major producers of injectable medical devices, and the many other companies that produce the various health devices used to avoid infections (masks, disinfectants, anxiolytics), everyone has profited from the pandemic by making astronomical gains. Moreover, with the prospect of perpetuating revenues in the future , because the effectiveness of innoculi (if it exists) is limited in time and it is already expected to repeat them in the coming years, as is the case for the vaccination for common flu.

We reports from power, profits and the pandemic, oxfam international september 2020, [28]: “The world’s largest corporations should have had a lot of cash on hand when COVID-19 hit. The past decade has been the most profitable time in history for the world’s largest corporations. The Global Fortune 500 firms had increased their profits by 156% from $820bn in 2009 to $2.1tn in 2019. Outside of Europe and the United States, companies such as Dangote in Nigeria or Reliance in India, have generated an increasing portion of global corporate profits over the past decade, and wield immense power in their countries of origin.” Figure 5.

Figure 5: Global fortune 500 profit growth vs. global GDP growth 2009-19.

The same magazine reports the following diagrams very explanatory of the economic increase of the multinationals Figure 6. At the same time The Pantheon of Profit-Makers: prepandemic vs. pandemic profits of most profitable corporations globally (Average FY2016-19, FY2020-Trailing Twelve Months) Figure 7 [28].

Figure 6: COVID pandemic and profits.

Figure 7: Profit-Makers for just 32 super-profitable corporations (FY2020 in USD).

Effect on Opinions Movements and Personal Freedoms

Another consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic was the suppression of the movements of environmental protest and for democracy, which started some years ago, was assuming international proportions and gathering ever wider consensus of the population.

The COVID pandemic provided a unassailable alibi to the various governments to impose with the lockdown the ban on gatherings and with the curfew the ban on public demonstrations. At the same time the fear of spreading the contagion cleverly inculcated by official propaganda in the population, has allowed to restore total control, the altered homeostasis of the domination of the ruling powers, strongly threatened by the growing demonstrations in the squares. Thus , without a single blow , the most illustrious exponents of the world’s technocratic establishment, laid the foundations for the Great Reset theorized by the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , in EVENT 201 “A Global Pandemic Exercise” [29]. By summing up the effects produced by the SARS-COV2 pandemic, whatever its origin, we can fully understand those who have benefited and gained billions in profits, and those who have obtained only damage and desolation:

• Millions of deaths worldwide: in the poorest countries there has been extermination (also considering that, in order to increase the number of secondary deaths with COVID-19 syndrome, deaths from other causes have been defined as secondary to SARS-Cov-2)

• Exponential increase in the number of the poor and the degree of poverty among the subordinate social classes.

• Permanent cancellation of thousands of small productive activities.

• During the lockdown, a very strong repression of democracy and personal freedoms enshrined in the Charters of Fundamental Rights, which has no precedent in the history of nations.

• An immense increase of the profits of the BIG Pharma, of the Great Distribution and many Multinationals, Figure 7.

• There is also a very heavy environmental legacy to be resolved: how will we dispose of the millions of tons of masks and hygiene devices used during the pandemic?

By summing up the result is always the same, our society is founded on the privilege and profit of a few on the majority of the population, on the indiscriminate exploitation of environmental resources, and finally on the perpetuation of inequalities between men , which is at the origin of all our social and health ills.

The multitude of Conformists, Virologists, Politicians, that crowd the talk shows and the mass media of official propaganda, will tell us that we are CONSPIRACY, NO VAX, DENIERS, etc. But we know that we are right. The truth has no color and, above all, you not buy it!

■ Socio-Economic Effects of COVID-19

From what has been said, it is clear that the COVID pandemic, which arose naturally or was produced in the laboratory, has proved to be a formidable powerful biological weapon to definitively consolidate the dominance of the political-economic power centers of a few privileged over the rest of the world.

At the same time it has repressed any hope of rebirth and social and democratic emancipation and any possibility of dissent and criticism of this unjust political, economic and social health system . The systematic propaganda of dominant power and unique thought has extinguished people’s critical consciousness and atrophied the mind under the mystifying blanket of mass media disinformation.

Talk shows, soap operas, gossip and football games have replaced and definitively cancelled the free and constructive confrontation of ideas and dried up even the little that remains of popular consciousness.


In this article the authors report our very personal analysis of the virus infection SARS-Cov2 , trying to understand what was the origin, how effective the control and containment measures and the socio-economic implications produced have proven to be.

A strong criticism has been made to the new technologies of genetic engineering used recklessly for the production of vaccines, without the large-scale preventive controls of possible direct and indirect side effects and the potential consequences introduced by the manipulations of our genetic code. From an economic point of view, the effects of the pandemic have produced enormous advantages for the pharmaceutical multinationals producing vaccines and health devices on the one hand and a disastrous impoverishment of the world population on the other.

This has led us to believe that the true cause of the pandemic is exclusively economic in nature orchestrated by the prevailing economic power, to reaffirm their own dominance dangerously called into question by the rampant protests of environmentalists and democrats. Communist totalitarian regimes have been a school, with the repression of elementary freedoms, inspired by the strong powers of our “democratic” hemisphere.

Finally, our aim is to invite everyone to a free and preconceived confrontation by contributing with the ideas of every person interested in the better understanding and transformation of our daily life in for a harmonious development for the benefit of all.

“Doubt is the beginning of knowledge”, Descartes, “Discourse on the Method” 1637.

Statement by the Authors:

In this manuscript we present a very personal interpretation shared by the authors on the causes of the Covid-19 pandemic and on the socio-economic consequences produced. We have documented each of our statements with evidence and official documents and reporting the thoughts of other researchers, much more authoritative than us.

In any case our fundamental objective is not to criticize a priori, but is to stimulate a debate and a confrontation with all those, scientists and not, who ask for objective and not contradictory information from the authorities that should protect the health and safety of all.


The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
