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Invitation to Become Our Editor Board Member: International Journal of Clinical Skills

Tabitha Davis*

Editorial Office, International Journal of Clinical Skills, London, United Kingdom

Corresponding Author:
Tabitha Davis
Editorial Office, International Journal of Clinical Skills, London, United Kingdom



Firstly we would like to present our gratitude to the editors of this journal. The International Journal of Clinical Skills is an well-established open access journal. The credit of its success goes to our editorial team. Under their guidance we have flourished so well and reached to the ultimate heights of success.

For maintaining the quality in the peer-review process, we have been using an Editorial Tracking System, which is an online manuscript submission, review, and tracking system. The journal’s editorial board members or outside experts process the reviews; at least two are required. The approval of independent reviewers is followed by the approval of the editor. Any citable manuscript must have this requirement in order to be accepted. Authors have the option to submit submissions and keep track of their status in the system throughout the process.

We are indebted to our editorial board for their priceless work that is their contribution thorough companion audit framework and to the essential advancement of the Journal. The Editorial Board Members are very important in encouraging the Editors’ desire to keep up exclusive expectations of insightful greatness in the work we distribute. Global experts in linked logical distributions make up the Journal group. To ensure the distribution quality, all the submitted papers go through various steps. The compositions are subjected to the usual companion audit. The continuous supply of paper(s) serves as a starting point for screening. In any case, two free refs are sent out with the fitting papers. The Editor-in-Chief, the person in charge of reaching a final decision, considers the arbitrators’ comments. Giving our respected creators timely and constructive feedback remains a top priority so that their work can be made available to the rest of the world on time.

The COVID19 pandemic has caused havoc around the world, posing challenges for everyone. Several researchers and technicians are still coping with issues such as laboratory closures and online instruction while also dealing with the effects of the pandemic scenario on their daily lives. Some of the editors, reviewers, and authors of a variety of periodicals are also doctors, who have been also fighting the pandemic. As a result, delays are unavoidable during this pandemic, and we would want to express our gratitude. It is critical that our Editors and Editorial Advisory Board address the themes we distribute and reflect the countries from which our submissions are submitted. IJOCS has also aided researchers in their early stages of their careers.

Researchers/Scientists/Authors are welcome to submit their CV and research interests to join the Editorial Board, where they can collaborate directly with the Editors and Reviewers to ensure a high-quality and timely review process.

Please email us your updated CV, research interests, biography, and recent photo, if you are interested in joining our Editorial Board.


Assistant Managing Editor

International Journal of Clinical Skills