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Call for Paper International Journal of Clinical Skills: Volume 15


Clinical Skills is an international peer-reviewed journal that accepts manuscripts in the field of Clinical Trials, Therapy, Evidence-based treatment, Clinical Trials, Image enhanced Endoscopy, not limited to that but any scope of skills in the medical field.

Dear Professor,

Greetings from Editorial Office.

Clinical Skills is an international peer-reviewed journal that accepts manuscripts in the field of Clinical Trials, Therapy, Evidence-based treatment, Clinical Trials, Image enhanced Endoscopy, not limited to that but any scope of skills in the medical field.

We would like to invite eminent researchers like you to collaborate with us as it will help to grow our journal.

Recently published quality articles:

• Treatment of Dural Solitary Fibrous Tumor/Hemangiopericytoma of Spine with a New Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Anlotinib Hydrochloride: A Case Report.

Dr. Wen-Xin Li, Departments of Oncology, China

• Double trouble and the pitfalls of confirmation bias- A case report of acute appendicitis, arising in a duplex appendix

Dr. Sam Hughes, Urology, United Kingdom

• Clinical Skills Updated During the Pandemic

Dr. Alwin Puthenpurakal, William Harvey Research Institute, United Kingdom


You can submit your article for Volume 15.

Submission link:

Email id:

For any query please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thanks, and Regards
Editorial Office
Journal of Clinical Skills
