Teaching professionalism in the medical program
Author(s): Dr Renata Chapman,Professor Craig Mellis,Ms Annette Burgess,Dr Kirsten Black,Dr Renata ChapmanProfessionalism and ethics are critical issues in medical practice. This study was undertaken to evaluate how final year Pre- Internship (PrInt) medical students value the ‘Professional and Personal Development’ (PPD) teaching component of the current medical (MB BS) program at Sydney Medical School, Australia. We used a combination of a questionnaire (using both rating scales and open ended questions) and a focus group discussion to evaluate student perceptions of how well the PPD program prepared them for clinical work with patients. Students felt that teaching of professionalism was important and valuable. Students valued teaching by clinicians, interactive sessions, and both bedside tutorials and simulated scenarios dealing with real ethical issues. However, students felt writing essays, maintaining portfolios, and internet-based teaching were of least value. The results of this study enhance our understanding of current teaching of professionalism. Addressing the issues raised by senior students will enable us to better prepare future graduates for a truly ethical and professionally rewarding career in medicine.